

Pilgrim Course

What – Pilgrim is a set of courses on a variety of Christian and Church issues written by various theologians. A course lasts for 6 weeks and contains readings, videos and broadcasts. There is also plenty of time for discussion on the issues raised.

Where – Holy Trinity and St Oswald’s Church.

When – Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to The summer course will be held on the following dates May 23rd, 30th and June 6th, 13th and 20th. This course will be on the Bible plenty of scope there.

There will be a course in October November dates will be provided later. That course is entitled The Church and Kingdom

Everyone who has attended the previous courses have found them informative and enjoyable. It’s a chance to discuss various issues in a small group , we often go off at a tangent but that’s fine.

If you want any more details please speak to Margaret Liddle.